If you have a traditional slanted roof, it is supported by a series of trusses and rafters. These materials are usually very strong and durable and rarely need work. However, supports can go bad under certain circumstances. When that happens, your roof becomes unsafe and needs immediate work. Continue reading to learn some of the signs your roof supports are failing and the reasons why.

Signs of Failing Supports

Your roof could look fine with all its shingles intact and in good condition. However, that doesn't mean the supports aren't failing. The biggest sign of failing supports is if your roof sags or caves in. You've likely seen old homes where the roof bows in the middle. Sagging is a visible exterior sign of weakened roof supports.

If you go up to your attic, you may see other signs of trouble. For example, your rafter's ties and connector plates may be broken or loose. Trusses may be cracked, broken, moldy, wet, or rotted. Termites and other pests may have taken up residence. All of these will weaken your roof supports but will not be visible from the outside.

Causes of Failing Supports

Supports fail for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons are problems from the beginning, and others are preventable. Here are some of the most common reasons for roof support failure.

Poor Construction

The roof may contain poor materials or not be designed to handle the local weather. The builder may not have used or installed the correct ties and plates. Also, improper re-roofing can make your roof too heavy and put pressure on the supports.


Leaks can trickle through and cause the wood to rot and increase mold problems.


Both insect and mammal pests can damage your roof's rafters by eating or gnawing on the wood.

Excess Snow and Ice

Extended snow storms cause an excessive amount on your roof. If your roof's support structures aren't prepared for this or have construction flaws, then the entire roof can sag and leak.

Lack of Maintenance

Your roof supports might be fine at first but can become damaged if you don't do regular checks and maintenance.

Once your roof begins to sag, it is unlikely to stop until it's repaired. The best thing you can do to keep your roof in good shape is with regular inspections and maintenance. Catching problems early can save you time and heartache in the long run. If your roof looks like it's in poor shape or you have leaks and interior damage, contact a roof repair professional right away.
