Your roof is one of the crucial parts of your house, as it protects you from rain, wind, cold, and snow. However, if you want to get optimal results, you need to get it right from the start, whether installing the first roof in your new home or replacing an existing one. The following are three factors to consider when installing residential roofing.

1. Material

Numerous roofing materials are available in the market. Hence, it can be hard to choose one that will work for you without relevant guidance. It is always advisable to analyze durability, roof slope, aesthetics, architectural design, energy efficiency, building codes, maintenance, and your budget.

For instance, if you live in a hotter region, you should install energy-efficient materials like asphalt shingles because they can reflect a significant amount of the sun's heat. On the other hand, if durability is your primary goal, you can consider slate, metal, or concrete tile roofing materials. The residential roofers you hire can help you choose the most suitable materials.

2. Color

Regardless of the material you choose, you have to choose between a wide array of colors. For example, asphalt shingles come in shades of black, gray, white, brown, and red. Besides, metal roofs are manufactured in different colors. Therefore, you should choose a roofing color that meets your needs and makes your house stand out.

If your region is hot, light-colored roofs can work for you since they reflect the sun's heat. However, homeowners in colder climates can benefit from dark-colored roofs, which absorb heat. Moreover, you should choose a shade that complements your home. For example, if your home's exterior is tan or beige, you can match it with a brown or black roof.

3. Peeling Off or Layering On

This is a crucial factor that homeowners who are replacing roofs should consider. If you are working with a tight budget or time, you can opt for overlaying, where the roofers will install the new roof on top of the existing one.

However, if you are looking for long-lasting quality results, peeling off should be your choice. The experts will tear off your old roof and examine the deck for any issues before installing the new roof. Remember that you may not be eligible for overlaying if you already have two layers on your roof. Therefore, you will also have to peel them off before installing a new layer.

You should keep these three factors in mind when installing residential roofing for a successful project. Remember to hire a reliable roofing contractor to enjoy quality services and outstanding results. 
