If you are thinking about replacing your roof, one of the essential choices you will have to make is what material to use for your new roof. One of the materials you should consider is composite shingles, also known as synthetic roofing shingles.

Highly Durable

When you put new material on your roof, you want that material to last. You don't want to have to replace your roof more often than necessary. Composite shingles are made from a mixture of various roofing materials, such as asphalt, fiberglass, and recycled paper. They are specifically engineered to last for a long time and to be able to withstand the natural elements for a long time.

Wind Resistant

Next, composite shingles are made to withstand strong windstorms. That means if you live somewhere that gets lots of thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes, or just high windstorms, your shingles should be able to withstand the pressure and force of the wind without getting damaged or ripped off your roof.

Fire Resistance

With raging wildfires becoming a normal part of summer, you will want to install a roofing material that is fire resistant. A roof that is fire resistant is going to be able to withstand some embers falling on it without catching on fire. Remember, for the best fire resistance, you will want to use fire-resistant siding and engage in other fire protection practices.

Impact Resistant

The truth is, all kinds of things can hit your roof, from tree branches to hail. Synthetic shingles are designed to be impact-resistant, so if a big hailstorm hits your area, you don't have to get up on your roof and worry about checking for dings in your shingles. They will be able to withstand a hailstorm without having to need to be repaired.


When you choose the shingles for your home, you will probably carefully select the shingle color to match your home to enjoy the best curb appeal. Fading shingles can take away from the visual appeal of your home. With synesthetic shingles, you don't have to worry about fading, as they are specifically designed to withstand fading from the sun, leaving you with looking solid shingles for decades to come.

When it comes to choosing the new material for your roof, give some serious consideration to synthetic/composite roofing shingles. They are highly durable, wind-resistant, fire-resistant, impact-resistant, and fade-resistance. They are the type of solid roofing material you want in your home.

Use these tips when choosing the right material for your roof replacement
