Although a roof is one of the most paramount parts of a house, many homeowners ignore essential roof maintenance practices such as roof inspections. This should never be the case because most roof problems can never be noticed unless a roof is regularly inspected. Again, if these problems are not noticed and corrected early, they may escalate, leading to costly roof repairs. 

Generally, a leaky roof is one problem that is both embarrassing and troublesome. And although you might attempt to repair roof leaks on your own, you shouldn't dare it. Roof repairs might seem easy to handle, but they are usually messy and risky when not handled by a roofing expert. See why a roof that was once sound and functional might be leaky and how you should remedy the situation. 

The Flashing Is Damaged

Flashing is the thin protective layer of material installed around the vertical surfaces, crevices, and joints. It can be made of aluminum, copper, or even galvanized steel. It helps to prevent rainwater from entering your house by creating a smooth roof surface that directs rainwater downwards. 

When the flashing develops problems, it will show certain signs like staining, mold, cracks, missing pieces, corrosion, or rust. If you do not notice such problems and correct them early, you may end up with a leaky roof. 

The Tiles or Even Shingles Are Broken

Tiles and shingles form a waterproof barrier that safeguards the surface underneath from harsh weather. Although many shingles are durable and malleable, heavy rains and strong winds can damage them with time, leading to roof leaks. In case your roof is leaking due to broken shingles or tiles, call in a professional roofer to remedy the situation. The roofer will repair the damaged shingles. And if some shingles or tiles are missing for whatever reason, the roofer will replace them.

The Gutters Are Clogged

The main function of gutters is to drain rainwater from the roof. However, when the gutters are clogged, rainwater will not flow the way it should, and this will cause pooling. If pooled water remains longer on the roof, it will seep through any existing cracks and get into your house. You should maintain your gutters clean and free from debris if you want to minimize or even avoid roof leaks. The best way to do it is by hiring a roofer to assess the gutters and clean any dirt or debris buildup. By so doing, the gutters won't be clogged, causing a leaky roof. 

No matter how simple a roof problem may seem to be, it is not good to ignore it or attempt to correct it on your own unless you are a professional roofer. Roof leaks are among the top roof issues that only a seasoned roofer should handle. So don't ignore any sign of a leaky roof because it indicates a professional roofer needs to repair it. To learn more, contact a company like New England's Best Home Services.
