The roof is crucial to the structural integrity of your entire home. When you have an excellent roof over your head, you get assurance of a comfortable home. The roof also protects the walls, the floor, and the foundation from water damage. As such, you should always check your roof condition to determine whether you need to repair or replace it. Most roofs deteriorate because of the mistakes people make during the repair process. If your roof is damaged and needs repair, it's vital to know the mistakes you should always avoid when repairing it. 

Here are some of the common mistakes people make during roof repair and how to avoid them.

Covering the Old Shingles with New Ones

Homeowners that get tempted to repair their roof themselves place new shingles over the old ones. They do this because it is simple and takes less time. However, it is advisable to remove all the old shingles and replace them with new ones. When you place new shingles over the old ones, you ignore any damage that might have affected the inner parts of the roof. You also increase the weight of the rooftop unnecessarily, which increases the risk of a roof collapse. Where possible, a competent roofer should repair the roof because they know how to handle the shingles. Usually, they will rip off the old shingles, repair the underlying material, and lay the new tiles.

Reusing the Old Flashing

Flashing is a crucial component of the roof. It collects water and protects the roof from water damage. However, since it collects the water from the rain, it is also prone to water damage and rusting. Old flashing might seem to be in excellent condition, but you should check underneath and make sure it is indeed intact. Don't reuse the old flashing because it may just cause the roof to deteriorate quickly. Instead, get new flashing and replace the old one. By so doing, you will stop the damage from spreading onto the new roofing material you install. 

Ignoring Attic Ventilation

Attic ventilation is a crucial aspect of the overall roof repair process. There is no value in replacing the roof if the attic has poor ventilation. The water will eventually build up and make the new shingles curl and suffer other damage. Work with a professional roofing contractor because they will perform an inside-out attic inspection to ensure the replacement roof stays in perfect condition. 

If the roof repair process isn't handled properly, you will experience more roof problems. That's why you should hire a reputable roofer to help you handle the roof repair process. They know what it takes to repair the roof correctly so you can get a durable and comfortable roof over your head for decades. 

When you notice signs of roof damage, contact a local roof repair company to get help.
