Because a new roof is a big expense, homeowners want to have repair work done instead of replacement when this is a reasonable option. In some instances, repair work resolves a leak and the roof lasts for many years. Full replacement is advisable when the shingles are more than 15 years old because other leaks are likely to develop. A newer roof, though, generally will be fine after repair service.


Evidence of a roof leak usually appears as a stain on the ceiling, although heavy rain could cause water to drip down a wall. That looks alarming, but it doesn't necessarily mean the roof flaw is particularly bad.

Finding the Source

Signs of a leak may appear far from the source. Water may travel along underlying structures before dripping into the home. This is one important reason for hiring a professional contractor for repair work instead of attempting patching as a do-it-yourself project. Experienced roofers know how to find the source and realize that patching directly over the top of the drip might not be effective.

Repair Work

If the roof is not old, repair service is usually an appropriate choice when the problem only affects a small part of the structure. The contractor typically removes the shingles, applies sealant, and installs new shingles that match the existing ones. If the leak was caused by a couple of shingles with minor damage, the cracks or holes might simply be sealed and the shingles put back in place.

While searching for the leak source, a roofing contractor may find that some flashing is a problem rather than the shingles or the wood underneath. Metal flashing around the chimney and vents must be sealed periodically or water can seep in. Many homeowners are relieved since it's an easy fix. In the future, they could have the roofer do the work as recommended as part of the home's routine maintenance. 

Temporary Tarping

If the roofer's schedule is full and the work cannot be done until after the next rainfall, a tarp can be nailed down over the problem area. This prevents water from leaking into the building. Tarping is only a short-term solution, though. The material gradually deteriorates due to ultraviolet light exposure. 

Homeowners can schedule an inspection and roof repair work with a qualified contractor. Afterward, the residents will be glad there are no more signs of leaking during the next rainstorm. Contact a company like Kfalls Roofing to learn more. 
