A roof replacement is a big job that causes disruption to your property during it and a new roof after. However, with the proper precautions, nothing in your home or yard will be damaged in the process of getting your new roof. Here's a look at some things your roofer may do to ensure they don't leave a mess on your property after a roof replacement.

Put Tarps In Your Attic

Hammering nails on the roof to secure shingles causes dust and wood bits to fly off the deck inside your attic. If your attic isn't used for storage, you may not care if it gets dusty during the roof replacement process. If you keep antiques, boxes of documents and clothing, or other valuables in the attic, the roofer may cover them with tarps to keep dust off and remove the tarps when the work is complete.

Park A Dumpster Next To The House

A roofer usually rents a dumpster when tearing off an old roof so they can keep the waste tidy. The dumpster needs to be close to your house so it's easy to throw old shingles in it. In addition, the roofer puts a stopper along the edge of the roof so shingles and nails that slide down the slope are kept from falling in your yard. This makes it easy to collect debris to be thrown away so it can be tossed in the dumpster.

Cover Landscaping With Tarps

You may worry about the landscaping around your house with all the activity that is required when putting on a new roof. Your roofer takes precautions to protect your plants by covering them with tarps. In addition, the roofer may also cover your deck if you have one or remove fragile items from your patio.

Talk to your roofing contractor in advance about things you can do yourself to get your property ready, such as move everything far from your house, put your pool cover on, and move your cars to allow room for a dumpster.

Check For Roofing Debris

Once your new roof is in place, the roofing crew makes a sweep of your lawn to look for shingles, pieces of wood, flashing, and nails that may have landed in your yard or plants near your foundation. They may even use a large magnet and sweep around your lawn to make sure they miss no nails.

Once that's done, all that's left is to have the dumpster hauled away and your property will be in its usual condition and your home will have a fresh new roof.
