The soffits are the underside of the roof eaves. Although they aren't part of the main roof expanse, they are still an important part of any roof, and they must be kept in good condition.

1. Vent Problems

The underside of the roof soffit is typically lined with vents. These play a very important role in your roof's ventilation. Cool air comes in through the soffit vents and pushes the hot air trapped in the attic out of the ridgetop roof vents. If the soffit vents become damaged or blocked, then heat and moisture can collect in the attic. Another issue is if the screens on the soffit vents are damaged to the point that pests can gain attic access.

2. Mold and Mildew

Mold and mildew are mainly issues with wooden soffits, as mold growth tends to favor organic materials. This mold can eventually lead to wood rot and the need for repair. Keeping a fresh coat of paint on wood soffits minimizes this concern. Mold and mildew can also grow in the soffit vents, which can lead to mold growth in the attic. A good gutter system helps keep the soffits dry so that mold isn't a problem.

3. Cracks and Holes

Any soffit material can eventually develop a crack or a hole, whether it is wood, metal, or vinyl. Sometimes cracks and holes form due to weathering, such as from hailstones that bounce and crack a soffit or from temperature fluctuations that lead to thermal expansion and crack formation. Cracks should be repaired or the damaged soffits should be replaced. 

4. Pest Damage

A few different pests can target soffits. Squirrels and birds can damage soffits made from any material by trying to pry open soffit end seams or vents in order to gain access to the warm, dry space within. Woodpeckers will sometimes drum on wood soffits, which can lead to damage. Carpenter ants and termites may also target wooden soffits for feeding and nesting. 

5. Aging Issues

The soffits typically aren't replaced every time you have a new roof put on, so they may begin to show aging damages long before you need to re-shingle the roof. Wood soffits can begin to rot, which will present as swollen and warped soffit boards. Metal soffits can rust or corrode as they age. These aging signs mean that it is time to replace the soffits. 

Contact a roof repair service if you are concerned about the state of your roof's soffits.
