Getting a new roof is a great opportunity to improve the overall energy efficiency of your home. By choosing the right materials and colors, using reflective materials, and making sure your attic ventilation and structure are in good shape, you can noticeably lessen your energy bills and make your home more comfortable during hot and cold months alike.

Choose Another Material

One factor that can affect how much heat and light your roof reflects is the material of the roof itself. Asphalt shingles are very common, but using metal instead can help keep your house cooler because of the coatings typically applied to metal roofs. Metal does have some drawbacks such as the higher up-front cost and how it can be dented, which can affect its viability in areas where it hails. In terms of energy efficiency, however, it's an option well worth exploring.

Pick a Light Color

Color also affects how much light your roof reflects, so when you're choosing materials for your new roof, see what lighter color options are available. This will benefit you regardless of what material you're using. Alternatively, you can choose to apply a reflective coating to your roof; this can be applied to a variety of surfaces, and you can often choose the color of the coating itself to make things a little easier.

Improve Insulation and Ventilation

While some heat and light are reflected by your roof, some are also absorbed. There are a few things you can do here to help make things more efficient below the surface. The first is to make sure the underside of your roof is properly insulated, which can help keep heat out during hot months and in during cold months. The second is to make sure the attic area is properly ventilated. When hot air can't vent out easily, it will build up in your house and take that much more energy to cool. Your roofing professionals can make recommendations and alterations as necessary to add vents or improve overall ventilation.

Explore Solar Compatibility

If you want to install solar panels on your roof eventually, now is a good time to make sure your roof is ready for them. Your roof should be inspected to judge the optimal placement for panels, which can affect how your new roof is installed, especially if anything, like plumbing vents, needs to be altered. Beyond that, because of the additional weight of panels, the stability of your overall roof structure should be inspected to make sure it's strong enough to handle the weight. If you need any structural repairs, the best time to get them done is when you're having your roof replaced.

Talk to a roofing contractor to plan your roof replacement
