Although you might not always see it, roof flashing is important to the longevity of your roof. At the edges of your roof and between the roof components like chimneys, skylights, and vents lay strips of flashing. Flashing directs water away from the fragile areas of your roof. Without flashing, water and wind would wreak havoc on the interior structure of your roof and home.

If roof flashing fails, not only will your roof suffer, but the interior of your home will suffer too. Roof flashing may not be as noticeable as your roof tiles or fascia board, but the role it plays helps ensure that your roof and your home stay damage-free no matter what the season or the weather.

Roof flashing failure can cause a number of costly problems for you and your home.

The Structure of Your Roof Will Weaken

Under the tiles and flashing of your roof is the underlayment. This layer helps to protect the wooden structure of your roof from the weather, especially rainy weather. Flashing protects the underlayment by keeping out moisture and heat. But if flashing pulls loose and leaves a gap, the underlayment will eventually succumb to the combined effect of heat and moisture.

Once rainwater penetrates the damaged underlayment, there is little to stop it from soaking into the wooden components of your roof, such as the rafters. Although wood rot does take time, eventually wood rot can weaken the wooden components of your roof. This is why you need to address damaged flashing early.

Leaks Could Damage Your Ceilings and Flooring

After your roof components, rainwater will then damage your attic insulation before making its way down to your ceilings and drywall. If you fail to notice ceiling damage, your ceilings could eventually begin to sag. However, you'll see discoloration long before any sagging occurs. So if your ceilings become discolored, check your attic for signs of roof damage, and call a roofing contractor.

Wooden flooring is also prone to water damage from a leaky roof.

Mold Could Lead to Health Issues

Wherever there are moisture problems, there is mold too. Mold can cause breathing issues for everyone, but children and the elderly are especially prone to the ill effects of mold. If you spot mold growing in your attic or on your ceilings or walls, your flashing may be compromised.

If your roof flashing appears worn or damaged, call a roofing contractor immediately. They can identify any damage and repair it before rainwater causes more costly damage to your home.

For more information on residential roofing services, contact a company like JCB Roofing / HHI, SC.
