Your concrete tile roof greatly impacts your home's curb appeal and overall security. That is why you should quickly seek professional help when something goes amiss with your roofing system. Otherwise, you risk suffering losses due to water damage, exposure to pest infestation, or a burglary attack. As such, you should watch out for signs of damage and immediately find a qualified roof repair company to fix them.

Here are four sure signs pointing to roofing problems.

Your Roof Is Leaking

A leaking roof will most times manifest through a stained ceiling. The good news is it is easily repairable, so long as you take immediate action. However, an extensive leak might demand a roof replacement. In addition to stained walls and ceiling, holes on the roof evident from the attic could signal possible water leakage. Owing to the devastating effects of a leaking concrete tile roof, you should not hesitate to seek professional help. 

You Can See Saggy Parts

The roof's ridge must always appear straight when checked from any angle. Any sagginess is a sign that all is not well and the roof requires urgent repairs. A saggy concrete tile roof can result from continuous exposure to moisture. Besides, sagging can arise from poor installations, which is why you should keep off DIY roofing solutions. Instead, hire a roof repair specialist to ensure long-term results.

Your Gutters Are Full Of Debris

Ignoring debris build-up in your gutter system sets you up for bigger problems. Though debris might seem harmless, it can slowly invite some serious roofing issues as it accumulates in the gutters. Typically, sand-like debris signifies the loss of the protective layer, meaning that your roof is now more susceptible to damage by the sun than before. Furthermore, your home's energy bills may start spiking due to the loss of granules. 

Clogged water channels make the drainage system less effective, and rainwater will spill over each time it rains, thus destroying your porch and siding. The solution is to find a trustworthy roofer for immediate repairs. Additionally, it's advisable to invest in regular gutter system maintenance. 

Your Roof Has Mold

You should pay attention to the signs of mold growth and take immediate action no matter how minor the issue may look. Otherwise, the mold can eat away at your concrete tiles, leaving gaps that allow water to seep into your home. Furthermore, you and your loved ones are at risk of acquiring health issues due to exposure to mold spores. Therefore, black mold streaks on the rooftop call for the immediate attention of a roofer. 

Remember that your roof is a costly investment and a vital aspect of your home. So, do not ignore any minor problem but call for professional help as soon as you detect an anomaly in your roofing system. 

Reach out to a company like Kerry Roofing LLC to learn more.
