When you learn you need a new roof, one of the first questions you ask is probably "how much will it cost?" The only way to know for sure is to have a roofing company come give an estimate. Two seemingly similar roofs can come at significantly different costs. So, what exactly plays a role in determining the cost of a new roof?

Whether the deck needs work.

Below the roofing that you can see — the shingles or the tile — there is a layer of wood. This part is known as the roof deck. If the roof deck is damaged in any area, the roofer will need to replace it. This is more extensive than just removing and replacing the outer roof material. The more roof deck work your roof needs, the more expensive the replacement will be.

Roof pitch.

Steeper roofs generally cost more to replace than low-pitch roofs. This is because they are generally harder for roofers to work on. To re-roof a really steep roof, roofers need to lay wood slats out across the roof and secure them in place. They can step on these wood slats as they work on the roof. And still, walking on a steep roof is harder on the body than walking on a shallow one. More labor equates to a higher charge for labor.

Material quality.

Roofing materials vary in quality, and you generally pay more for higher-quality ones. Even within the same type of roof material, there are big variations. For instance, some shingles are expensive while others are much cheaper. You may not need the most expensive roof material, but going with the cheapest option is not usually advised, either. A roofer can recommend the best roofing material for your budget.

The intricacy of the roof.

Does your roof have one peak or several? Is there a skylight to work around, or do you have a lot of vents and chimneys? Every feature makes the roof work a bit more intricate. A roof with multiple pitches and valleys will cost more to replace than a similarly sized roof without these added features.

Ponder the factors above, and you will better understand why your roof replacement costs what it does. If your quote is higher than you assumed it would be, reach out to local roofers. They may recommend some changes you can make without compromising roof quality.  
