Even the highest quality roofing materials will need to be replaced from time to time to ensure your home remains protected from the elements. The first step in achieving this goal is to know how to identify when your home needs a roof replacement. Below you can learn more about three of the signs that can help you to make this important determination.

#1: Your Roofing Shingles Have Begun To Curl Or Warp

If moisture is allowed to get behind your roofing shingles, this can result in serious damage to your home. Consequently, this type of damage must be dealt with quickly. In many cases, this will mean the need to replace your existing roof. One very common sign that your home has suffered this type of damage is roofing shingles that have begun shifting, curling, or warping. When looking for this type of damage you will want to visually inspect your entire roof from the exterior of your home. Be sure to pay special attention to the slope of your roof since moisture will typically accumulate in this area. 

#2: You Are Missing A Large Number Of Shingles Or Granules

It is common for roofs to lose shingles or granules during severe weather. However, this type of damage is typically localized and can be dealt with by replacing just the damaged shingles. If the damage is more widespread, this can be a sign of a much larger problem brewing below the surface. If your home is missing a large number of shingles or if you find that many of your shingles have lost their granules, you will need to have your roof inspected by a professional to determine whether it can be repaired or if it needs to be replaced. When looking for signs of missing granules, be sure to check your gutters and downspout since these fine particles can often get trapped in your home's drainage system. 

#3: You Can See Daylight Through Your Attic Ceiling

When looking for signs that your home needs a roof replacement, it is important to inspect the roof both from the outside and inside of your home. The most effective way to check for roofing problems from inside your home is to head to the attic. If daylight can come through your attic ceiling, you can be sure that moisture and pests can make their way in as well. If you see even small areas of light shining through your attic, you can be sure that your roof needs to be replaced.  

For more information, contact a company like Brandon J Roofing.
