Asphalt shingle roofing is a good choice for your home. It's common and more affordable than other types of roofing. The way you take care of your roof has a big impact on how long it lasts. Shingle roofing is tough, but it has some vulnerabilities. Here are four things that affect the health and longevity of asphalt shingle roofing.

1. Heat From The Attic  

The heat that builds up in your attic can make the underside of asphalt shingles too hot. This can cause shingle damage in the summer. In the winter, it can cause destructive ice dams to form. This problem has a solution so you can prevent heat damage to your shingles.

The solution is proper attic ventilation. A roofing contractor can make sure the right amount of ventilation is present by doing calculations. If your attic needs more, they can add extra vents so air moves through your attic in enough volume to push heat out and keep your shingles cooler.

2. Granule Loss

Granules gradually fall off as your roofing ages, and there isn't anything you can do about that since it's normal and expected. However, you should guard against unnecessary loss. Granules can be scraped off by tree debris that collects on your roof and blows around, so branches and twigs should be cleaned off regularly if they don't fall off. Also, branches that hang close to your roof can get heavy with rain during a storm and hang low enough to scrape off granules when the wind blows the branches, so keeping trees trimmed is important too.

3. Moss Growth

It's best to remove anything growing on your roof, whether it's algae, mold, moss, weeds, or even tiny trees from seeds that fall in wet leaf clumps. Growth can be damaging to the shingles. For instance, moss gets under shingles with their roots and this causes the singles to lift up so they can get torn off by wind. Moss also holds moisture and keeps the roofing damp, which can lead to moisture damage. Growths of all kinds can be killed and removed to prevent damage and keep your roof attractive.

4. Animals

Animals and birds can be destructive when they take an interest in your roof. Some may be attracted by bugs in leaves that get stuck in a roof valley. Others can hop on your roof from nearby tree branches and use your roof as a bridge to the front yard from the back. Raccoons, squirrels, rats, woodpeckers, pigeons, and vultures can all cause damage to asphalt shingles and the roof deck. If you have a problem with animals, call a pest control company for help repelling them before they cause a roof leak.

To find out more, contact a local roofer today. 
